HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is frequently used by chemsex users as a means of protection against HIV infection. Since April 2024, PrEP has also been available free of charge in Austria. The costs are reimbursed by the respective health insurance providers. Here are the most important details: Further information on […]
The contents of food products are listed on the packaging, making it clear what’s inside. But when it comes to substances from the black market, nothing is clear. There are no rules, ingredient lists, or quality controls. This makes it easy to mix substances with cutting agents. But what are […]
10, 9, 8, 7, … soon it will be time, and the new year will begin! The time around the turn of the year means a special state of affairs for many people. Whether looking forward to the holidays, enjoying a long-awaited break, or experiencing stress, anxiety, or loneliness during […]
The queer scene in Vienna is colorful and diverse. For years, the gayguide.vienna and, since this year, the new Queer Life Vienna Guide have provided a detailed overview of the various venues, community meeting points, and events. As in the past year, the Chemsex Network is again represented in the […]
Summer is here, and with it a time when many of us (at least somewhat) focus on relaxation and recovery. The hot season is also a time for carefree parties and long nights … and that’s why it’s important to make sure the chemistry is right this summer! Various drug […]
For the 3rd time, the partners of the Chemsex-Network are currently conducting a survey: Men who have sex with men and consume chems can share their experiences completely anonymously and thus contribute to better tailoring specific services to needs. This year, the focus is on current changes in the substances […]
“Mehr über Chemsex” – “More about Chemsex” – could be heard during Pride month on Radio Positiv, the series of Aids Hilfe Wien on Radio Orange. In a recent show, Dr. Horst Schalk and Mag. Thomas Baumgartner, MA, addressed the problems and risks of sex under the influence of chems. […]
So far, few scientific surveys in the German-speaking regions have focused on the experiences and challenges of individuals who are sexually active in the context to substance use. Therefore, the University of Augsburg has launched the ENHANCE Study. This online survey aims to reach sexually active chems-users and gather important […]
Spring is around the corner, and with it, the Chemsex Talk self-experience group is entering its next round. This accompanied group offering for gay, bisexual, and pansexual men* provides an opportunity to exchange ideas in a protected atmosphere, discussing familiar roles and patterns in relationships and sexuality, as well as […]
What influences intoxication? And what consequences can polydrug use have? These are the questions addressed by two new short videos on the topic of intoxication and consumption, which have been released by checkit! Wien and the Institute for Addiction Prevention of the Addiction and Drug Coordination. Intoxication can be a […]
To create effective measures for better sexual health, data from sexually active individuals is particularly important. This is precisely where the EMIS Internet Survey comes in, the largest online survey of men who have sex with men (MSM) and trans* people. After 2010 and 2017, the EMIS Survey is currently […]
10, 9, 8, 7, … soon it will be time, and the new year will begin! The time around the turn of the year means a special state of affairs for many people. Whether looking forward to the holidays, enjoying a long-awaited break, or experiencing stress, anxiety, or loneliness during […]
Winter is approaching, and the days are getting shorter. For many people, this season brings particular mental stress. Taking care of one’s mental health is crucial, especially in the context of sex and chemsex. Whether experiencing fatigue, lack of motivation, or even depressive situations, it is important to engage with […]
A few weeks ago, a new study on sexual health caught attention: The World Health Organization (WHO) warned of an increasing spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), especially Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, or Syphilis in Europe. Researchers from the Medical University of Vienna, who contributed to this survey, also identified clear trends […]
From November 20 to 27, 2023, the European Testing Week will take place once again this year. Under the motto TEST. TREAT. PREVENT., this not only raises awareness about sexually transmitted infections such as HIV and hepatitis but also creates low-threshold testing opportunities through the AIDS services of Austria and […]
Anonymous, free, and confidential – based on these principles, the counseling center checkit! has been providing information and advice on recreational drug use since 1997. Central to checkit!’s work is drug checking, where recreational drug users have the opportunity to have psychoactive substances analyzed. Additionally, they offer answers to personal […]
“Have you ever used substances to influence sex? Alcohol, cannabis, poppers, G, crystal meth, Tina, Special K…?” According to these questions, the University of Augsburg is currently launching the second round of the SEARCHER survey on sex and substance consumption! All those who feel addressed by this survey can make […]
The summer is behind us, and as we start into the colder seasons, the Chemsex Network wants to reintroduce its offerings to you. Since 2018, our network has brought together specialized organizations and individuals from the health and psychosocial sector who offer counseling, support, and assistance in the context of […]
Let’s talk about it … especially when it comes to chems and sex, an openconversation is important. That is why the closed Facebook-group „Let’s talk aboutChems and Sex – Austria“ offers users the possibility to exchange their experienceswith chemsex and provides the latest updates as well as important information aboutthe […]
The checkit! Drug Checking services are now not only available at the checkit!homebase in the 6 th district, but also in selected Viennese pharmacies – anonymousand free of charge. Substance samples can therefore be handed in at the following locations. Therespective results are available the following Thursday – either personally, […]
PrEP is a highly effective method to prevent an HIV-infection. Nonetheless it is notyet sufficiently used in Austria. The Austrian AIDS Society has therefore nowlaunched a new information-page for all questions regarding the HIV-pre-exposure-prophylaxis. Via www.hivprep.at interested persons can find all important information about PrEPas well as a list of […]
The new year has arrived and once again an.doc.stelle is organizing monthly, opentalk groups about everything regarding chemsex – free of charge. Starting in Januarythe meetings take place at the counseling centre Courage in Vienna (Windmühlgasse15, 1060 Wien). Interested people can register via mail to office@andocstelle.at. The dates for thefirst […]
2022 is about to come to an end … and celebrations as well as sex and drugs belongto this time of the year for some of us. In order to start into the new year with the rightchemistry, principles like “Do it safe”, “Play it consensual” and most importantly “Usesupport” […]
„Radio Positiv“ is the show by Aids Hilfe Vienna, in which Radio Orange everyThursday (8-9 pm) takes up important questions around everything relating to sexualhealth. A few weeks ago psychologist Tom Baumgartner joint the show for aninteresting discussion about Chemsex with moderator Juliana Metyko-Papousek:Where does this phenomenon originate from? Which […]
Under the title “Beziehungsweise” the Podcast of the daily newspaper Der Standarddeals with questions regarding love, relationships and sex. In its newest episodeBeziehungsweise dives into the topic Chemsex: In this episode the Viennesepsychotherapist and sexualtherapeut Christof Mitter answers important questionsabout the backgrounds of Chemsex, the impact to users and possible […]
Create awareness and encourage testing – that is once again the goal of this years “European Testing Week”. From November 21st to 28th more than 400 organizations from 53 European countries move awareness and test possibilities to the center of attention. As part of this initiative, many important activities will […]
The subjects of the current campaign “Damit die Chemie stimmt” (So that the chemistry is right) can now be seen in various Viennese pubs. In this way, pub operators actively draw attention to the chemsex network and where users can find help and support if necessary. The following photos are […]
Interested parties can sign up for the once-a-month, open and free group at office@andocstelle.at.
The current campaign of the Chemsex network is attracting attention in more and more Viennese pubs. This way, the operators not only support the work of our network, but also show users where they can find help and support in case of need. We would like to thank all restaurant […]
Recently, the Chemsex Network launched the marketing campaign “So that the chemistry is right”. The slogan draws attention to the fact that the health care professionals of the Chemsex Network can offer very different services and thus individually suitable and tailored support. Campaign posters and freecards canbe found at many […]
Media reports in recent weeks have dealt with chemsex. This was triggered by deaths in Vienna, which are currently classified as a suspected double murder. In this context, the network’s experts point out that chemsex entails serious – sometimes even fatal – risks, the chemsex network therefore draws attention too […]
Chemsex network offers support and advice Chemsex, i.e. sex under the influence of chemical substances, is also not uncommon in Austria and Vienna. It is known from a large study from 2017 that around 20 percent of all people surveyed stated that they had experienced at least half of all […]
As the topic of chemsex has also become more important in Vienna in recent years, the plan arose to bring together the existing expertise from various related areas. Thus, in 2018, a first networking meeting for Viennese counseling institutions took place, which finally resulted in the Chemsex Network. In addition […]