Test.Treat.Prevent – The European HIV- and Hepatitis-Testing-Week 2022
Create awareness and encourage testing – that is once again the goal of this years “European Testing Week”. From November 21st to 28th more than 400 organizations from 53 European countries move awareness and test possibilities to the center of attention.
As part of this initiative, many important activities will take place in Austria as well. The “European Testing Week” was initiated by the Austrian AIDS-Hilfen together with medical professional societies and is supported by the Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection as well as many other institutions and bodies. All important information, Austria-wide testing possibilities and relevant background knowledge can be found on the website of our network-member Aids Hilfe Vienna: https://aids.at/en/testwoche/
Especially in the context of chemsex awareness for the risks of a possible HIV- or Hepatitis-infection is of the utmost importance. Slamming, sniffing, or smoking can transmit viruses, as can various sexual practices. You can protect yourself and others from infections by using only your own consumption utensils (tubes or needles, spoons, filters, etc.) and paying attention to safer sex (condom, PrEP, U=U). On our website we offer important tips regarding this topic: https://chemsex.at/de/guidelines/