
Medieninhaber und Herausgeber: Verein an.doc.stelle
Gesellschaftsform: eingetragener Verein
ZVR-Zahl: 876528628

Adress: Otto-Bauer-Gasse 15/11, 1060 Wien

The implementation of the website was made possible by funding from the following network partners (in alphabetical order): Aids Hilfe Wien, an.doc.stelle, Beratungsstelle COURAGE, Sucht- und Drogenkoordination Wien with the kind support of MSD.

The following network partners provide the resources for continuation of the website since 2023 (in alphabetical order) Aids Hilfe Wien, an.doc.stelle,, Sucht- und Drogenkoordination Wien.

Content consulting team from the network

Chemsex is associated with many risks for physical, psychological and social health. The professional handling of the topic therefore requires interdisciplinary competencies.

In order to guarantee the seriousness of the contact points listed on this homepage, an advisory team has been appointed in the network. This team confirms, according to the best possible assessment, that the contact points listed meet the required ethical standards, that they promote non-judgmental and non-discriminatory access to all people, and that both technical competence and active and professional engagement with the topic of ChemSex are guaranteed. Nevertheless, we cannot assume any responsibility for the quality of the individual offers.

Composition of the advisory team

(in alphabetic order)