Drug Checking – Anonymous, free, and confidential!
Anonymous, free, and confidential – based on these principles, the counseling center checkit! has been providing information and advice on recreational drug use since 1997. Central to checkit!’s work is drug checking, where recreational drug users have the opportunity to have psychoactive substances analyzed. Additionally, they offer answers to personal questions, non-judgmental counseling, and tailored information. The brand-new checkit! Annual Report for 2022 emphasizes once again how crucial this service is:
- In total, checkit! analyzed 18,836 substances presumed to be psychoactive in 2022: 65% of them contained only the expected active ingredient, while nearly a quarter (27%) had additional or exclusively different active ingredients. Warnings had to be issued for 8% of the analyzed substances.
- Cocaine (599) was the most frequently analyzed substance in 2022, followed by ecstasy & MDMA (402), speed (257), and ketamine (139).
- Detailed information on drug checking and the individual substances tested can be found in the 2022 Annual Report: https://checkit.wien/drug-checking-jahresbericht-2022/
The use of drug checking increased once again in 2022 for substances commonly consumed in the context of chemsex. In addition to ketamine, samples of mephedrone (34), methamphetamine (13), and GHB/GBL (4) were tested.
The drug checking service provided by checkit! is particularly important for individuals who consume chems during sex. All information can also be found on our website: https://chemsex.at/de/anonymes-und-kostenloses-drug-checking-auch.in-apotheken-moeglich