What is Chemsex?
The word chemsex describes sex under the influence of chemical substances called chems.
There is no internationally uniform definition of the term. Most commonly, chemsex is understood as the consumption of very specific substances by men who have sex with men. In this context, the term was coined years ago in London’s gay scene.
Read more: What is Chemsex?
What are Chems?
Chems are synthetically produced psychoactive substances (drugs). The term Chems is mainly used in the MSM scene.
In the context of chemsex, the following four chemsex are usually mentioned:
Consumption types of Chems
Chems can be consumed in different ways (smoked, snorted, orally, anally, intravenously, …). If they are administered intravenously, they are also referred to as slamming or slam sex.
Read more: Consumption types of Chems
Chemsex has risks
The use of chemsex can have a disinhibiting, pleasure-increasing and exciting effect on the sexual experience. At the same time, chemsex involves a variety of different risks. Some risks can be reduced by taking precautions.
Read more: Chemsex has risks
How to reduce the risks?
There are measures that reduce certain risks in the consumption setting. These include the “safer sex” and “safer use” rules.
Read more: How to reduce the risks?
Support and advice?
It is important for users to seek support when questions, problems or impairments in the quality of life arise.
Read more: Support and advice
Safer Use- / Safer Sex-Packs
Many network partners individually hand out small packs containing safer use and safer sex materials.
Read more: Safer Use-/Safer Sex-Packs
What to do in an Chems-emergency?
A wide variety of crises and emergencies can occur in connection with the consumption of chems. Here we have summarised some important tips on what to do in a chems emergency!
Read more: What to do in an Chems-emergency?
What to do if you are at high risk for HIV infection?
The basic rule is: Act as quickly as possible!
Read more: A wide variety of crises and emergencies can occur in connection with the consumption of chems. Here we have summarised some important tips on what to do in a chems emergency!
Read more: What to do in an Chems-emergency?