What to do in a Chems emergency?
In connection with the consumption of Chems, various crises and emergencies can occur. Here we have summarized some important tips on what to do in a Chems emergency! Detailed information on drug emergencies also offers the SDW. The following applies in principle:
Keep calm and assess the situation
If in doubt, always dial the emergency number 144
Talk to and reassure the person concerned, establish a sense of reality and, above all, do not leave the person alone
Always remove possible sources of danger quickly – also for self-protection
In the case of intravenous users, pay particular attention to syringes/needles lying around and remove them.
Apply ABC scheme – this means:
A – Breathing: Control the breathing of the affected person!
B – Consciousness: Is the person responsive? Is there a reaction to a pain stimulus?
C – Circulation: In case of cardiac arrest, ensure cardiac massage until rescue arrives!
Emergencies in which there is a high risk of HIV infection are a special situation. In these cases, the basic rule is always: Act as quickly as possible! More about this can be found here: What to do if you are at high risk for HIV infection?