The Triptalks project is a service by „Caritas Kontaktladen und Streetwork im Drogenbereich“ in Graz. The team provides psychosocial counseling including wide information and advice on all topics relating to substance use and harm reduction on site.
Drug Checking in Graz – Triptalks
- Address:
- Orpheumgasse 8/I
8020 Graz - Website:
- Triptalks Graz
- E-mail:
Services available to recreational drug users:
• Drug checking service (the analysis of chemical contents within a substance)
• Counselling and brief information on recreational drugs, harm reduction & safer use
• Free of charge safer use products (such as sniffing utensils, empty capsules, foil, needle exchange and much more)
All services are confidential, free of charge and anonymous.
Additional infos:
Drug Checking: every monday from 4 to 7 p.m.
If you can not make it monday afternoon? You can also call us to make an appointment!
Last modified: 14.12.2024