COURAGE is a professional counselling service for LGBTIQ+* people and their families that is recognized and funded by the federal government and the respective federal states and state capitals. Counseling is anonymous and free of charge. COURAGE is available to all those seeking advice and help in the areas of sexuality and relationships as well as violence and sexual assault.
COURAGE – Consulting
- Address:
- Counseling Center COURAGE Vienna:
Windmühlgasse 15/1/7
1060 Wien
Counseling Center COURAGE Graz:
Plüddemanngasse 39
8010 Graz
Counseling Center COURAGE Innsbruck:
Salurner Straße 15
6020 Innsbruck
Counseling Center COURAGE Salzburg:
Getreidegasse 21
5020 Salzburg
Counseling Center COURAGE Linz:
Weißenwolffstraße 17a
4020 Linz
Counseling Center COURAGE Klagenfurt:
Getreidegasse 5/Top 1
9020 Klagenfurt
Counseling Center COURAGE St. Pölten:
Willi-Gruber-Straße 15 / 1. Stock / Top 102
3100 St. Pölten - Phone:
- Wien: 01/585 69 69
Graz: 0699/166 166 62
Innsbruck: 0699/166 166 63
Salzburg: 0699/166 166 65
Linz: 0699/166 166 67
Klagenfurt: 0660/166 166 8
St. Pölten: 0660/386 6630 - Website:
- E-mail:
- In person / Telephone / Online: Information and counseling for individuals / couples / families
- Groups: self-help / self-awareness / therapy
- Crisis intervention: psychotherapeutic / social / psychiatric / psychological / pedagogical
- Counseling / social counseling
- Health care / medical clarification
- Information / referral to psychotherapeutic / medical / social services
- Legal counseling
- Mediation/ violence prevention
- Supervision in the main area
Additional infos:
Office hours: Mon – Thurs, 9 am – 3 pm
Advance booking by telephone: Mon – Thurs, 9 am – 3 pm
Counselling hours: Mon, Tue, 09-20h Wed, Thu, Fri, 15-20h
Last modified: 14.02.2024