QUEER-SEXGESUND is the title for our new LGBTIQA+ counselling programme on any questions regarding sexual health. Chems users are also welcome. We focus on SAFER SEX and testing for HIV and STIs (sexually transmitted infections). If necessary, we refer you to experts and consultation centers from other disciplines. We test and counsel anonymously.
AIDS-Hilfe Steiermark
- Department:
- Address:
- Hans-Sachs-Gasse 3/1
8010 Graz - Website:
- E-mail:
- beratung@aids-hilfe.at
- Information and advice for safer sex
- Information and advice for safer use
- HIV tests
- STIs tests (Syphilis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea)
- Hepatitis tests (Hepatitis A, B and C)
It is necessary to make an appointment by phone or online.
Our counselling service and HIV-testing is always free of charge, but a fee is charged for the other tests.
Last modified: 21.12.2023