What to do if you are at high risk for HIV infection?
The so-called PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) can prevent infection with HIV if it is started as soon as possible (preferably within 1-2 hours). It is not to be confused with PrEP, which is taken preventively (i.e. regularly before sex).
After 48 hours (that’s 2 days), a PEP is no longer effective, so it is not used after that time.
Important information on PEP and the relevant outpatient clinics is available from the Aidshilfe Wien.
Important for users: Contact the responsible outpatient clinic as soon as possible! A responsible doctor offers advice there and prescribes PEP if necessary.
In connection with the consumption of Chems it can come also apart from HIV risks to most diverse crises and emergencies. Here are some important tips summarized, was in einem Chems-Notfall zu tun ist!